who reject anal penetration, promiscuity, and effeminacy
Warrior Naked Wrestler
Afterword from
Bill Weintraub
I remember being terrified to be made to learn different ball grabs in the wrestling room at school.
Terrified and homophobic in the 1980s (the Reagan years).
We had to do the ball grabs 10 times each and then switch positions. Then we did them all over again with a different man.
EVERY one of us in that wrestling room was shirtless and drenched in sweat, while wearing (1980s) team-issued very short wrestling shorts that basically showed everything. Ball sacks and dicks slipped out of their jocks constantly. Some dudes I can remember vividly had nowhere to hide their turgid meat.
Shirtless Active Physical Aggression makes a man's penis swell up. It's normal.
I don't know how I got through that. I loved it and I was terrified of it at the same time. The 1980s was an extremely homophobic time.
Wrestling is the greatest sport there is. It IS aggression and it IS erotic at the same time ; and that IS totally Normal and Natural.
What is NOT good at times is Culture ; Culture is human-made, so it can be wrong...
We had to learn and practice this ball grab over and over and over in the hot sweaty wrestling room wearing nothing but thin cotton shorts and a jock. The shorts were so short that our ball sacks were always dropping out of one side or the other when we got down on our knees on the mat. We were ALL shirtless, lean, muscled and covered in sweat.
It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Years later I learned and realized that we ALL had the same fear: sprouting a rock-hard erection while in near-naked, skin-on-skin combat. Looking back, the sexual turn-on in that sweaty skin-on-skin combat was a totally natural thrill.
NW :
Ball grabbing was a move we were supposed to learn as a kind of "handle" for pulling yourself around to the bottom man's backside to get into a control position on top of him... It kept him from moving back and away from you. It was, for me, terrifying to do that move. It IS a very very bold, aggressive, male-on-male move. It says you mean business.
It is a sexy and aggressive-in-fight thing to do at the same time.
Learning it in the practice room is one thing.
Doing it to an opponent that you have NEVER seen before (as on the battle field) in a match in front of spectators is entirely different.
And I was never that good anyway. I was learning it as a 21 year old. My team mates were YEARS ahead of me. They had had at least a decade of practice room wrestling around and horsing around with each other in practice and at week-long wrestling camps during their Summers. They all had years of experience to have run into the move and done it over and over. So for them it was no big deal. For me it was stunning to do that to another man or to have it done to me.
I remember one day, the coach simply had a couple of guys with experience do it to each other, then we paired up by size and weight and did it to each other about 10 times each and then we switched back and forth. I was shocked, having learned it at 21 rather than at 11.
The unwritten rule was DON'T hurt the other man's balls!
I was in my 20's. Most college wrestlers learn this stuff before they are 12 years old. I was late to the game.
The Greeks were VERY smart to get the boys accustomed to full body contact and grappling at age 7 (not to mention face-hit boxing and pankration). And stark naked at that. And free to show their attraction and aggression for each other by freely popping boners as they tried to take each other down. They would have grown up with that aggression-attraction sensation as the normal experience that it actually is among males.
The collegiate wrestling room was the next best thing. Instead of the aggression and sexual attraction as in the Greek/Roman/European world, I experienced aggression along with a terrifying cultural fear about my attraction for my opponents as I learned to fight them.
We live in a weird world ; I did not know that in that wrestling room back then, but I do know it now.
Aggression and Attraction at the same time IS normal.
Ball Grab
Reaching In
Ball Grab
Reaching in through the crotch
is also a counter-move to the
other man's takedown attack.
Wrestling is balls vs balls.
Ball Grab
Wrestling is Cool
This is the way
to pin your man --
with a symbolic touch of
balls-in-your-face humiliation thrown in.
The Man2Man full-contact of Wrestling is always a sweet memory for me
Looking back on it, I would say that the college wrestlers who got over the hesitation of grabbing a dude through the crotch, like we were taught to do in the ManWrestling Room at school, were the guys who turned out to be the best wrestlers at controlling and eventually defeating their male adversaries.
The crotch and hips ironically are the center of the wrestler's body. It's how you control your opponent. Hip control the coach called it ; and he yelled it at us across the mat constantly, and he yelled it at us right in our faces if we lost control of our mat partner that day.
As a wrestler, the crotch and hips are the center of power and control, for both opponents. It's the control area ; it's the Man area. Wrestling is truly a Man sport.
I really miss those Manly days.
It is definitely good to know grappling skills on the field of battle.
It is especially true in pre-industrialized warfare.
It is an advantage to be the man on top.
Wrestling is a battlefield skill
The Top Man dominates
The Top Man can easily kill his opponent
It is an advantage to be the Man on Top
Physical position puts the Top Man in control.
by Bill Weintraub
Thank you Warrior NW.
Guys, Warrior NW is a former collegiate Wrestler who trained in MMA as an adult.
He's been with us for more than seventeen years, Ball Grabs is his twentieth post on our Man2Man Alliance, Heroic Homosex, and Ares Is Lord sites, and his insights into Fighting, Fighters, and the Fight Experience are invaluable.
There's a link to one of his posts below, and you can find a list of all of NW's posts at that link.
Every one of them is worth reading.
Now :
NW :
Physical position puts the Top Man in control.
Bill Weintraub :
In Aggression.
In Manly Aggression and Man-Against-Man Fight.
Contrast that with what the analists claim --
that during penetration, the bottom is actually in control ;
and that the anally receptive control the entire "gay" community.
Just as now the trannies -- the she-males -- control the entire "LGBT" movement.
And seek to control all of humankind.
Everything about analism -- which is an offshoot of feminism -- is a renversement -- a reversal and an inversion -- of Values.
Which are, historically and spiritually, Male Values.
The Values of Men.
Ethical Values which are of, by, and for Men.
Honourable Men.
Virtuous Men.
Fighting Men.
So :
The Ultimate Vindication of Manhood lies in FightingThe Ultimate Vindication of Honour -- of Manly Moral Beauty -- of Manhood -- lies in Fighting Which classicist Jaeger terms the Man's "natural instinct for self-assertion."
And that's what it is.
Scholars like Jowett and Shorey who were born and had lived in the nineteenth century would have understood, viscerally, that the word "honour" was inextricably connected to the Manly ideas and ideals of terms such as "Moral Beauty" and "Manhood."
As is Fighting.
Fighting is inextricably intertwined with Moral Nobility, Manly Virtue, Male Goodness, Manhood --
and Honour.
Again : the Ultimate Vindication of Honour -- which always reduces to Manhood -- lies in Fighting.
Which the Stoics termed Man's "natural instinct for self-preservation."
And which classicist Werner Jaeger terms Man's "natural instinct for self-assertion."
Fighting : Self-Preservation ; Self-Assertion.
Which is why, to the Romans, this image is affirming.
Gladiators affirm Manliness.
They instantiate Manliness, they embody Manliness, they affirm Manliness.
As do Boxers and Pankratiasts.
So :
Honour reduces to Manhood aka Manliness.
Which is to say that Honour and Manliness are basically the same thing.
Fighting confers Manliness.
Fighting generates Honour.
Fighting generates Manliness.
Fighting confers Honour.
H Rackham :
Morality ([honestum] 'the honourable') is an End in itself ; the virtues are based on Reason and have their roots in human nature.
No translation can convey the double meaning of the word [honestum, 'honourable,' used as an equivalent of το καλον, 'the morally beautiful or good.' [See De Fin. II. 48, fn a.]
The Latin word honestum means both Moral Goodness and Moral Virtue -- and The Honourable.
The Greek word το καλον means both Moral Nobility and Moral Beauty -- and The Honourable.
So that Honour -- Manly Honour -- is an integral and inescapable part of the ancient world of the Greeks and Romans.
Which, again, the Stoics termed Man's "natural instinct for self-preservation."
And which, again, classicist Werner Jaeger terms Man's "natural instinct for self-assertion."
Fighting : Self-Preservation ; Self-Assertion.
"Aggression and the beauty of guys who assert that aggression" -- as NW so brilliantly says.
Male Assertion -- and Male Aggression.
Fighting confers Virtue -- which is Manliness.
And Manliness enables Fighting.
Bill Weintraub
November 21, 2021
Honestum : honesty, integrity, virtue, moral goodness, moral virtue, moral worth, moral beauty, moral nobility, the honourable -- Manliness ; cf το καλον So that Honestum means both moral goodness, moral virtue, or, if you prefer, moral nobility ; and -- honourable.
Just as καλον means both moral nobility -- and honour.
JE King :Honestas or honestum, for which Cicero sometimes uses rectum and rarely pulchrum, answers to το καλον [moral nobility]. Its opposite is utilitas or utile, expediency. In De Fin. II. 14. 45, honestum is defined as quod tale est ut detracta omni utilitate sine ullis praemiis fructibusve per se ipsum possit iure laudari. ["that which is of such a nature that, though devoid of all utility, it can justly be commended in and for itself, apart from any profit or reward."] By nature man desires self-preservation, possesses reason, investigates truth, has a sense of order and propriety, and these are all elements in honestum, De Off. I. 4. The word is derived from honor, honos, cf. II. § 58.
H Rackham :
Morality ('the honourable') is an End in itself ; the virtues are based on Reason and have their roots in human nature.
No translation can convey the double meaning of the word honestum, 'honourable,' used as an equivalent of το καλον, 'the morally beautiful or good.' [See De Fin. II. 48, fn a.]
Walter Miller :
Cicero's technical terms are difficult because he has to invent them to translate Greek that is perfectly simple : rectum is 'right,' i.e. perfect, absolute. Its opposite is medium, 'mean,' i.e. intermediate, falling short of the 'absolute' and occupying a middle ground ; common ; ordinary.
Honestum is 'morally right' ; as a noun, 'moral goodness' (= honestas) ; its opposite is turpe, 'morally wrong.' Honestas is 'moral rectitude,' -- 'moral goodness'; 'morality' ; its opposite turpitudo, 'moral wrong,' 'immorality.'
Honestus, on the other hand, is always 'honourable' ; and honores are always 'offices of honour.'
Bill Weintraub :
Given that Honour is generated by Fighting, the relationship between Honestum / Καλον -- Moral Goodness, Moral Nobility, and Honour -- and Ανδρεια / Αρετα / Virtus -- Manliness -- is profound.
Again, as Prof Miller says, Honestum -- 'morally right' -- is opposed to Turpe -- 'morally wrong.'
Just as Manly -- morally right and honourable -- is opposed to un-manly -- morally wrong and dishonourable.
To Kalon : moral beauty, moral virtue, moral nobility, honour Kalon is a very important word for understanding the Greeks, both ethically and aesthetically.
In his translation of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, aristotelian H. Rackham renders Kalon as Moral Nobility and says
Καλον is a term of admiration applied to what is correct, especially (1) bodies well shaped and works of art or handicraft well made (see iii. vii. 6), and (2) actions well done ; it thus means (1) beautiful, (2) morally right. For the analogy between moral and material correctness see ii. vi. 9.
Aristotle :[2.6.9] If therefore the way in which every art or science performs its work well is by looking to the mean and applying that as a standard to its productions (hence the common remark about a perfect work of art, that you could not take from it nor add to it -- meaning that excess and deficiency destroy perfection, while adherence to the mean preserves it) -- if then, as we say, good craftsmen look to the mean as they work, and if moral virtue, like nature, is more accurate and better than any form of art, it will follow that moral virtue has the quality of hitting the mean.
~Aristot. Nic. Eth. 2.6.9, translated by Rackham and myself.
Rackham also tell us that Aristotle, in his discussion of specific moral virtues, says that
where the formula of the mean is felt to be inadequate, it is supplemented by the proviso that virtuous actions, to spring from a true habit of virtue, must be done του καλου ενεκα -- for the sake of the moral beauty and rightness of the act itselfτο καλον -- see Roman numeral III, Arabic numeral 2.
So :
The relationship between Καλον -- Moral Nobility -- and Ανδρεια / Αρετα -- Manliness -- is profound.
In Book III of The Nikomachean Ethics, Aristotle, as part of his extensive discussion of the moral virtue or excellence of Manliness, says,
Though Manliness is concerned with feelings of confidence and fear, it is not concerned with both alike, but more with the things that inspire fear ; for he who is undisturbed in face of these and bears himself as he should towards these is more truly Manly than the man who does so towards the things that inspire confidence. It is for facing what is painful, then, that Men are called Manly. Hence also, then, Manliness involves pain, and is justly [δικαιος] praised ; for it is harder to face what is painful [λυπηρος] than to abstain from what is pleasant.
It is for Facing what is Painful that Men are called Manly Aristotle :
[T]he Manly Man is proof against fear so far as man may be. Hence although he will sometimes fear even terrors not beyond man's endurance, he will do so in the right way, and he will endure them as principle dictates, for the sake of what is noble καλον [a]; for that is the end at which virtue aims.
Footnote from Prof Rackham :[a] i.e., the rightness and fineness of the act itself, cf. 7.13 ; 8.5,14 ; 9.4 ; and see note on 1.3.2. This amplification of the conception of virtue as aiming at the mean here appears for the first time : we now have the final as well as the formal cause of virtuous action.
Bill Weintraub : The "formal cause" of virtuous action is the individual's "aiming at the mean" between excess and deficiency ; the "final cause" of virtuous action is the individual's decision to act for the sake of what is καλον -- kalon -- that is, what is both Morally Beautiful and Morally Noble.
Which leads us to Prof Rackham's :
Note on 1.3.2 :
Καλον is a term of admiration applied to what is correct, especially (1) bodies well shaped and works of art or handicraft well made (see iii. vii. 6), and (2) actions well done ; it thus means (1) beautiful, (2) morally right. For the analogy between moral and material correctness see ii. vi. 9.
Bodies well shaped
Actions well done
This statue, the Doryphoros or Spear-bearer,
depicts both the Physical Beauty and Moral Nobility of the
The Doryphoros is an iconic and canonical statue in Greek art
The Warrior represented has perfect proportions
He is both well-shaped and an exemplar of actions well done :Prof Rackham's point regarding Moral Nobility as the final cause of Virtuous Action is critical to understanding Greek ethical thought and behavior.
Which is why Prof Rackham repeats that point a number of times, saying, for example, that
where the formula of the mean is felt to be inadequate, it is supplemented by the proviso that virtuous actions, to spring from a true habit of virtue, must be done του καλου ενεκα -- for the sake of the moral beauty and rightness of the act itselfWhile aristotelian WD Ross says,
"The motive of Manliness is the sense of Honour."
So :
Καλον means both Moral Nobility -- and Honour.
It is that which is both Right and Fine in and of itself.
Cf. Lat. Honestum
And please take note of this :
Aristotelian WD Ross says,
"The motive of Manliness is the sense of Honour."
The Motive of Manliness -- that which Motivates the Man to Fight -- is the Sense of Honour.
Honour impels Fighting.
From time immemorial guys have said, I Fought because it would have been dishonourable not to, I Fought because it was the Honourable thing to do, because it was and is Honourable to Fight.
So :
Fighting and Manliness are symbiotic.
Fighting confers Manliness. -- We learn to be Manly by being Manly -- by Fighting -- by standing up to blows face to face.
And Manliness, in turn, enables Fighting.
And in back of all of that is HONOUR.
The Motive of Manliness -- the Motive of Fight -- is the Sense of Honour.
Honour impels Men to Fight.
Honour impels Men to Fight.
Bill Weintraub
November 21, 2021
© All material herein Copyright 1997 - 2022 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved. is a website created and authored by Bill Weintraub.
© All material Copyright 2022 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
This is from NW in 2005 :
Last week I did submission grappling buck naked with a "straight" dude. We tapped each other out, over and over for 2 hours. When it was over and we were both totally drenched in sweat and exhausted, we jacked each other off. We both got hard-ons while grappling but never turned the grappling into a sex thing.
Getting an erection while grappling is a totally natural male response to one on one combat--especially if you're naked. It is quite the awesome experience to feel the sexual energy from naked aggression with another aggressive male. It's what males did for most of our evolution and history. Yes the other guy's scent can turn me on, along with his cool body and genitals. But I'm also attracted to the aggression. Aggression is a male turn-on BECAUSE it is very male to be aggressive. Males are attracted to aggression and therefore they are attracted to aggressive males. Like dissolves in like.
I think this has played a role in our success as a species. If aggressive males did not hang out together and train together over time then they would not have been able to conquer their neighbors and become the dominant group that we are today. It does NOT mean that you cannot have children and procreate just because you shoot our load with another dude once in a while or fight naked and get a hard-on from it. On the contrary it means that this IS the best way to procreate. Both dudes about to fight, having raging hard-ons is not a sign of femininity or weakness; it's a sign of having a lot of male testosterone which is why males fight in the first place. That kind of turn-on should be channeled into the fight to dominate your male opponent. Time to think outside the gay box.
Pre-industrialized, pre-screwed-up Judeo-Christian society did NOT recognize, or even have a concept of, gay or straight. Just try to find a reference to it in any literature before the industrial revolution. I think that a lot of "research" is some stupid attempt to pigeonhole males into one group or another, like some marketing tool.
Fight sports are bringing men together (and will continue to) in real male bonding better and faster than the gay movement ever can hope to do. I've come to that conclusion after going to fight school for the last 6 months.
The standard ordinary man is able to admit that fight sports can actually make his dick hard by watching or participating in it, and actually enjoys fighting in the first place.
I don't think I fit into that "10%" that researchers are always talking about. I think that in reality only 10% of males are NOT turned on by guys in an an all-male setting.
The Manly Privilege and Manly Pride
in having
Man-BallsOne of my early awakenings (an-amnesis) from wrestling was that our balls are at risk during wrestling practices and especially in matches. And yet wrestlers go out there and do it anyway. Those same vulnerable tender balls drive wrestlers to risk them in one-on-one basically naked combat. I remember thinking of that as a kind of manly privilege, a pride in having man-balls.~Warrior NW
Anamnesis : a calling to mind, recollection, UN-forgetting Please note:
An-amnesis -- recollection, or UN-forgetting -- is core to both Plato's Theory of Ideas and his Theory of Ethics.
To better understand anamnesis, please see Biblion Triton of our Ares Is Lord Lexicon of Manhood.
One of my early awakenings (an-amnesis) from wrestling was that our balls are at risk during wrestling practices and especially in matches. And yet wrestlers go out there and do it anyway. Those same vulnerable tender balls drive wrestlers to risk them in one-on-one basically naked combat. I remember thinking of that as a kind of manly privilege, a pride in having man-balls.~Warrior NW
NW :
Those same vulnerable tender balls drive wrestlers to risk them in one-on-one basically naked combat.
Bill Weintraub :
So :
The Motive of Manliness is the Sense of Honour The Motive of Manliness is the Sense of Honour.
The Motive of Fight is the Fighters' Sense of Honour.
The Motive of Combat is the Combatants' Sense of Honour.
In the Combatant Cosmos, the Warrior World of Becoming, the vulnerable, tender balls supply the testosterone.
Crucial to both Boners and Fists.
While the Warrior World of Being, the Warrior Kosmos, supplies the Honour.
The Motivation of Fight is the Fighter's Sense of Honour.
NW knew about the risk, but he went to practice and entered matches anyway.
Because doing so -- is Honourable.
And because it would have been dishonourable not to.
Fighting generates Honour, Fighting confers Honour.
NW also says,
I remember thinking of that as a kind of manly privilege, a pride in having man-balls.
Bill Weintraub :
"Manly privilege, a pride in having man-balls."
Lattimore in his Introduction to the Iliad :
"Pride is the necessary accompaniment of the warrior's greatness."
Virtue, Honour, Pride.
All Motivators of Fight.
And Beneficiaries of Fight.
There is no Virtue without Fight, no Honour without Fight, and certainly no Pride without Fight.
So, and in case you still don't understand, Wrestling is Fighting.
That's right, Wrestling is a Fight or Combat Sport, what we in the Alliance and Ares Is Lord call a Fight Agonia, and Wrestling, like all Fighting, is Violent and Brutal.
Indeed, classicist Michael Poliakoff -- an expert on Combat Sport in the Ancient Word -- and he's listed as such in our Heroes Reading List -- Prof Poliakoff remarks, at one point, that "Greek wrestling was, to put it simply, a bitter struggle."
When I told NW what Poliakoff had said, NW, who, again, was a collegiate wrestler and has since trained in MMA, said -- All Wrestling is a bitter struggle.
You get beat up, as he put it.
So, while Wrestling is nowhere near as bloody as Boxing and Pankration / MMA, it's still a Fight and Combat Sport, an Agonia, a bitter, violent, and brutal struggle, and the Fighters do get beat up.
Here's NW's description of the condition of his body after each session of daily collegiate wrestling practice :
- The inside of my mouth was ALWAYS cut up from being cross-faced all the time in matches.
- Every joint hurt walking home from practice.
- And my body was covered in bruises.
And, NW, adds,
- A wrestler's body is in a constant state of healing back up.
- Calories are consumed at a very fast rate.
- Hence, wrestlers are usually very lean.
- Being a wrestler is great.
Here's a great pin, called a Saturday Night Ride.
I always thought of it as a cock-to-cock pin. Perfect man-to-man dominance. The 10 seconds or so of cock-to-cock dominance while pinning the dude could really harden up your cock. Nothing else like it. It IS a totally natural involuntarily physiological reaction to the aggression and victory. It's a Man Thing.
It's why you can often see a victorious wrestler with a hard boner as the ref raises his arm after a match.
In a homo-phobic, anti-man culture the totally natural victory hard cock in that instance is terrifying to the manly wrestler.
It is just the time we live in.
I feared this very much. It is the main reason so many boys stayed away from the wrestling room when I was in school (and probably still do).
In pre-industrial, pre-feminist culture, the exact opposite would have been true.
We live in a very weird un-natural, anti-manly time.
Bill Weintraub :
But the Wrestler still asserts his Aggression and proclaims his Victory.
We Worship Lord Ares because He is the God of Aggression and the Assertion of that Aggression. is a website created and authored by Bill Weintraub.
© All material Copyright 2022 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
© All material herein Copyright 1997 - 2022 by Bill Weintraub.
All rights reserved.
NW :
This dude was once brought over from England to be in the UFC. He wasn't quite ready. He got seriously beaten up in 2 or 3 fights. I think he was let go.
Still, he had a beautiful set of abs. Offset and shaped abs like that are rare.
Abs like that in the shirtless, drenched-in-sweat wrestling room really turned me on ; the feel of the other dude coupled with the fight of the match was instant hard-on for me. I believe now that if culture permitted it, and all of us young men in the wrestling room were totally nude, erections (including erections at the start of wrestling face-offs) would have been the norm.
Males are attracted to Males and Males are simultaneously attracted to the Fight.
Bill Weintraub :
Right !
I would say :
Men are attracted to Men who Fight, and Men are simultaneously attracted to the Fight itself.
They want to be the Fight.
Every Man wants to be the Fight.
That's why Xenophon says,
[9.1] The following achievement of Lykourgos, again, deserves admiration. He caused his people to choose an honourable death [kalos thanatos -- a noble, selfless, and morally beautiful, death] in preference to a disgraceful life [aischros bios]. And, in fact, one would find on consideration that they actually lose a smaller proportion of their Men than those who prefer to retire from the danger zone.
[2] To tell the truth, escape from premature death more generally goes with Manliness than with cowardice [kakia] : for Manhood [Areté] is actually easier [radios] and pleasanter [hedus] and more resourceful [euporos] and mightier [ischyros]. And obviously Glory [eukleia] adheres to the side of Manhood [Areté], for all [pas] Men want [boulomai] to ally themselves [symmacheo] with the Manly [agathoi -- the Manly].
~Xen. Const. Lak. 9.1-2, translated by Marchant and myself.
© All material Copyright 1997 - 2022 by Bill Weintraub.
All rights reserved.
NW :
This is a freeze frame I made of a digital video that was most likely transferred from an 8mm movie made once of some young men doing athletic stuff totally naked (including some wrestling) done outdoors on some soft mats. The natural sunlight helped the usually grainy 8mm film to turn out rather clear. The young men are probably just amateurs who happened to typically be rather fit as almost all of us were during the 1960s and 1970s.
At one point in the match the blonde boy pinned his opponent in a Cock2Cock/Man2Man/SaturdayNightRide, sometimes also called a Schoolboy Pin.
Typically, as I remember vividly from collegiate wrestling, if you pinned a guy Cock2Cock that way -- or if he was pinning you Cock2Cock --, both wrestlers could and did feel the Cock2Cock through the wrestling shorts or singlets ; it was simply NEVER talked about, not ever.
(In those days a visible boner from Man2Man Wrestling could convict you of being a FAG!
WHAT A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT!)The terrible fear was that as a fit and horny young man I would NOT be able to hide my rock-hard boner in the wrestling singlet, especially when standing back up onto my feet after the match. And if we were wrestling around in the hot wrestling room and all we had on were the short short soaking-wet-with-sweat cotton practice shorts, the head of your VERY totally naturally excited penis might just pop out past the elastic waist band of the shorts. Our modern culture had made such a totally natural and completely thrilling and desirable Man2Man activity into a terrifying thing to participate in.
So . . . this entire 8mm short film was just young naked men being naked young men.
As I watched this totally natural Man2Man ritual (with my own cock getting rock hard), I next expected the top man to bitch-slap his opponent (the way schoolyard fights sometimes ended) all while Cock2Cock Fucking him in symbolic and harmless Man2Man domination.
(ALL Man2Man fights, including wrestling, are about Cock2Cock competition and Cock2Cock domination. ALL fights.)
I did think to myself as I watched it : what a natural-behaving pair of young men they really are. Wrestling is a totally exhibitionist athletic combative competition. And there is nothing wrong with that. The fact is, wrestling is a beautiful display of manliness, male genitals and erections and all of it.
SO many young men NEVER turn out for the sport because they absolutely know that the near naked physical contact and aggression of it will give them that totally feared and dreaded male erection.
School playground fights in our day never were naked of course, but I definitely remember imagining and wishing and hoping that they could have been stark naked and natural. Boys and Men at the Ancient Greek Palaestras would have fought naked, and did fight naked, and ended their fights naked, this way. THAT we DO now know for a fact. is a website created and authored by Bill Weintraub.
© All material Copyright 2022 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
NW :
This is a beautiful pre-fight face-off pic.
At the palaestra they would have eagerly faced off naked, balls vs balls in front of the other stark naked young men also turned on by the confrontation.
Definitely boner material.
In this statue, the Fighting Gladiators Instantiate Fighting Manhood aka Manliness -- the Willingness and Ability to Fight ; while Hadrian, who trained as a Gladiator, was an ardent PhilHellene -- Lover of Greek Culture --, and had a Beloved named Antinous, personifies the Roman Warrior God Mars.
And this is a statue of his lover Antinous, also in the guise of the God Mars -- the War God :
To the Romans, these images, of Hadrian and of Antinous in the guise of the War God Mars, represent, as would any image of Fighting and Fighting Men, the First Notion of Goodness, the First Notion of Virtue, the First Notion of Honour -- which is Manliness and its attendant Fighting :
And Roman life was full of such images :
Again, to the Romans, images of Fighting are images of Manliness -- Virtus -- which like Areté to the Greeks, is the First and Supreme Notion of Goodness and Virtue.
This is an Imperial Roman relief of Boxers and Pankratiasts, who Fought Nude throughout the ancient world, including in Imperial Rome.
Pugna -- Fist-Fight -- was very important to the Romans, as it was to the Spartans.
To both cultures, Fist-Fighting was the Foundation of all other Fight, including Fighting with Sword and Shield.
The primary skill of the Roman soldier -- the Legionary -- was Fighting with Sword and Shield in One-on-One Combat.
Yes, Legionaries could execute all sorts of intricate mass maneuvers.
But the primary skill of the Legionary was Fighting with Sword and Shield at Close Quarters, in Man2Man, Mortal, Combat.
And that's what Gladiators did :
They Fought, primarily with Sword and Shield, at Close Quarters, in Man2Man, Mortal, Combat.
NW :
The classic School Boy Pin. Also called The Full Mount in MMA now. It's always been around. It's always been the instinct of Masculine Men. It puts the ManCock and ManBalls in the face of the bottom man (offering him a chance to "give") as a prelude to taking fists in the face.
It's male instinct.
NW :
This was actually a drill we did in wresting practice all the time. Most often we did it with our hands behind our backs. It was for learning to keep you facing your opponent all all times. "Never turn your back on your opponent."
NW :
The terror and guilt engrained in us from Catholic school completely kept us young men from doing even this. The cultural messages at that time dictated that such a thing might mean that you were officially a fag. It was years after high school that I was able to just check out cocks and balls with another young man.
Something so basic.
Something so Natural. is a website created and authored by Bill Weintraub.
© All material Copyright 2022 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
NW :
When Ancient Greek Wrestlers tied up like this, each wrestler would have been looking down at the other man's penis, ballsack and pubes bare naked. The wrestlers were very aware of the other man's physical outward displayed male physiology. And even more-so when the opponent displayed an erect ready-for-fight throbbing hard cock. The whole face-off and tie-up triggers a physical and mental display of manly eagerness to confront the other male, and to "get it on!" like the referee yells at the start of a UFC fight. That eagerness to fight is also a completely natural attraction to the manliness displayed by the erect penis.
(In fact I think that mutual boners among manly men when they are naked around each other are a completely autonomic reaction among males who are aware of what fight is.
It is partly why men and boys in a gang shower spontaneously sprout boners. Is is NOT "gay," whatever "gay" actually is supposed to mean. The Fight IS manly and men are physically and sexually and mentally and psychologically attracted to it. It IS a law of nature among men, even if modern culture denies it.)
Bill Weintraub :
Acutally, "gay" means anally receptive.
That's what it means.
Thus this cultural message :
NW :
That first tie-up and head bump is a golden moment. If you do it totally naked with a buddy you WILL both get hard-ons. You are NOT fags if that happens.
Bill Weintraub :
Fag also means anally receptive.
Homosexual means anally receptive.
The Austro-Hungarian MD who coined the term "homosexual" meant it to
apply to anally receptive males -- pathics.
That's all on the site.
NW :
That is a true fact even if modern culture says it is not.
Manly dudes get hard cocks from one-on-one combat sport if they are naked.
NW :
Tieing up with this dude you get the feeling of Muscle2Muscle and the scent of Man2Man.
Your muscled body gets to feel his muscled body ; and your hands get to feel him at the same time. And you know he's mirroring exactly the same sensations.
All the while it's a Physical Fight for Dominance, two Men Strenuously Struggling to bring their Manhood to Perfection -- in Victory.
Wrestling is an immersion into the complete sensation of Manliness.
Nothing like it.
Bill Weintraub :
Fighting Manhood.
ManFight -- Andro Machia -- can and does take the form both of Fight Agonia --
And of Phallo Machia.
Fight Agonia -- and it's important that you click on the link and read the definition -- is what Americans call "Fight Sport" : Boxing, Wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts.
While Phallo Machia is Phallic Combat.
Both are ManFight.
And in both instances, we can conceptualize the ManFight as at once --
One Man's Strenuous Physical Struggle to Overcome Another ; and,
Two Men Strenuously Struggling to Perfect Their Manhood.
Skin Against Skin ; Muscle Against Muscle ; Balls Against Balls ; Phallus Against Phallus ; Manhood Against Manhood.
ManFight -- even in the form of Phallo Machia -- is never about sexual manhood ;
It's always about Fighting Manhood.
Within the Holy Communion of Ares Is Lord, all Men under the age of forty-five are expected to train in Fight Agonia at least three days a week ; and all Men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight are required to engage in a public, nude, full contact Fight Agonia event sanctioned by the Communion -- at least once a year.
Phallo Machia, by contrast, and although overseen by the Communion, is conducted privately, between agonist and ant-agonist, erastes and ant-erastes.
Nevertheless, we can take some time to here explore and become clear about the relationship between ManFight / Fight Agonia and ManFight / Phallo Machia, a relationship which is highly germane to Warrior Theourgia.
So :
My name is Bill Weintraub.
I put my name on my work because I'm proud of my work and the life from which it derives.
Those who steal from me -- incessantly plagiarize what I've written while hiding behind internet anonymity -- are cowards.
I'm not.
In Sparta, cravens and thieves were deprived of the means of life and forced to commit suicide.
In America they flourish.
Kinda makes you think, doesn't it ?
It does me.
I mean, about which system is better, the American or the Spartan.
Because :
I created this Lexicon of Manhood as well as Ares Is Lord so as to have both the opportunity and platform to talk about Manhood, Manliness, and Fighting Spirit, the three inter-related qualities -- spiritual qualities -- which have been not just most important but all-important to me throughout my life.
As they were to the Spartans throughout their lives.
And it was my discovery of Liddell and Scott's definition of Areté -- the word in the Doric dialect of Sparta is Areta, and that's how I think of it and most often refer to it -- it was Liddell and Scott's definition of Areta, and their very plain and honest statement in that definition that the Warrior God Ares was the root and source of Areta -- which both confirmed what I'd always believed and thus liberated me to talk about it.
Αρετα Αρης
Areta Ares From the same root [ΑΡΗΣ -- ARES] come areta, ari-, areion [better, more Manly], aristos [best, most Manly], the first notion of goodness being that of manhood, bravery in war; cf. Lat. virtus.
~Αρης, defined by Liddell and Scott.
Manhood is of course Fighting Manhood.
And Fighting Manhood is the First Notion of Goodness.
Liddell and Scott go on to say that
~Αρετα, defined by Liddell and Scott.
Indeed, classicist Wm Race says that to Pindar, the great Greek poet of the Olympics and other "gymnikos agon," naked struggle -- Areta is "the realization of human excellence through achievement."
That achievement of course is in athletics -- athlos -- Struggle -- while an athletes is a Combatant, Champion, Prizefighter ; the human excellence is actually Manly Excellence which is Manly Goodness which is Fighting Manhood -- realized in Fighter and Combatant Agonia and Agonisma -- One Man's Strenuous and indeed Agonizing Physical Struggle to Overcome Another.
So :
A Man's Intrinsic Goodness exists and is expressed in his Manly Excellence, that is to say, in his Manly Qualities : Manhood, Valour, Prowess, Bravery in War.
Which is to say, Fighting Manhood -- the willingness to confront an opponent and the ability to defeat him.
The Willingness and Ability to Fight.
It is in that Willingness and Ability that lies all Manly Virtue, all Manly Excellence -- and all Manly Perfection.
We've much discussed the great classicist Werner Jaeger's formulation about the Greeks, "Men Struggling to Bring their Manhood to Perfection."
All things seek to achieve perfection.
Including Men.
Who seek to Perfect their Manhood through Struggle.
The Naked Fight of One Man Against Another.
The Naked Fight of One Phallus Against Another.
Jaeger :
Remember that the Greek for 'good' [agathos] does not merely have the narrow ethical sense we give it, but is the adjective corresponding to the noun areté, and so means 'excellent' in any way. From that point of view ethics is only a special case of the effort made by all things to achieve perfection.
[emphasis mine]
"From that point of view" -- which is the Greek point of view, the Greek Warrior point of view -- "ethics is only a special case of the effort made by all things to achieve perfection."
Which means that Warrior Ethics, which is Manly Ethics, Manly Virtue, Manly Wisdom, and above all, Manly Goodness, is epitomized by Two Men, Two Naked Fighting Men, Struggling to Perfect Their Manly Excellence, Their Fighting Manhood.
Again, Manly Virtue, which is Manly Goodness, is epitomized by Two Men Struggling to Perfect Their Manhood, and there's No Higher Good or Goodness than this :
Again, this is the Summum Bonum, the Highest Good, the Supreme Good :
And from childhood on, it's always been clear to me that if it's Good, Supremely Good, for Two Men to Fight --
It must be equally Good, Supremely Good, for Two Phalluses to Fight.
That each form of Fight encompasses and epitomizes the other.
Man Against Man.
Phallus Against Phallus.
You can't separate them, nor pretend, as our culture does, that the two have nothing to do with each other.
That's a lie -- a transparent lie.
Obviously and clearly they have everything to do with each other.
For the overwhelming and inescapable fact is, that --
When two MEN FIGHT, their PHALLUSES FIGHT too.
No one questions, after all, that the Male Genitals are implicated and indeed intimately involved in Male Fighting, in what we call ManFight.
Everyone acknowledges that the Testosterone produced by the Male Genitals plays a major role in inducing Men to Fight, in fomenting and inciting ManFight.
Given that that's so, and that the Testicular Nature of Manfight is universally recognized, admitted, and admired -- What about the Phallus ?
Is it not the case that when Two Men Face Off -- as Two Men Universally Do Before They Fight -- that what each sees and senses before him -- is not just the Face and Torso of his Antagonist -- but his Phallus too ?
For is it not the case that the physical aspect of Fighting is above all a Sexual Challenge, in which each Man seeks to Maximize His Sexual Opportunity, while Crushing that of his Opponent ?
Of course it is.
When there's a KO, the Victorious Fighter stands Erect, Towering over his fallen foe, who lies flaccidly on the floor.
And when the Winner is confirmed, the Victorious Fighter's arm is raised in Victory, exposing his axillary hair, which has the look and often the consistency of pubic hair ; his foe stands meekly, arms down and head bowed in dismal and deflated defeat.
The images of Victory aren't just sexual, but explicitly Phallic.
In Victory, as in the Face Off, Man and Phallus merge.
For it's as Plato says :
That Every Man, by nature, seeks to Conquer Every Other.
And that the Phallus, also by nature, and in its raging lusts, seeks to Conquer All.
Just as Man seeks to Conquer Man, so does Phallus seek to Conquer Phallus.
The Agonist's Phallus seeks to Conquer the Antagonist's Phallus.
Time after Time after Time.
Which is why I say,
When two MEN FIGHT, their PHALLUSES FIGHT too.
Which means that when two Men make Love, authentic, true, and Manly Love, Phallus Against Phallus, they Fight each other, they make War upon each other, too.
Iamblichos calls that The Harmony of Opposed Principles, A Harmony of Parts Naturally at War.
How many authentically great and wise Men have to say that, before you figure out that it's True ?
Man can never be separated from Fight, nor Fight from Man.
Man can never be separated from Warrior, nor Warrior from Man.
For Man is Naturally at War with Man, Phallus Naturally at War with Phallus.
Phallo Machia and Andro Machia are locked together in an eternal and kosmic dance.
And to Dance is to Fight, to Fight is to Dance -- as Iamblichos also understands.
Even the imposition of one "part" on another, while apparently distressful to that part, is necessary and beneficial to the harmony of the "whole," a principle which, Iamblichus says, "we see exemplified clearly in a dance" (De Mysteriis 56, 14-15).
~Gregory Shaw, Theurgy and the Soul : The Neoplatonism of Iamblichus
For Iamblichos, "part" = Man, "whole" = the Cosmos, God.
And the Dance is a Pyrrhiche, a Warrior Dance, a Dance of War, a Dance of Life, the Dance of Life.
So :
Even the imposition of one Man on another -- as in MMA -- as in Ground and Pound in MMA --
Even the imposition of one Fighter on another, while apparently distressful to that other, is necessary and beneficial to the harmony of the Whole, of the ManFight, which is a Warrior Kosmic Principle, a Principle of the Warrior Kosmos.
Ground and Pound is necessary to the Harmony of the ManFight, the Harmony of Things Naturally at War.
Man is Naturally at War with Man.
Phallus is Naturally at War with Phallus.
Phallus Against Phallus.
Man Against Man.
And as I said, if Man Against Man is the Supreme Good, if Man Strenuously Struggling Against Man in Fight Agonia is Supremely Good --
So is the Strenuous Struggle of Phallus Against Phallus.
ManFight in both aspects is both Supreme, and Supremely Good.
Again, in this Lexicon we've much discussed classicist Werner Jaeger's formulation about the Greeks, "Men Struggling to Bring their Manhood to Perfection."
All things seek to achieve perfection.
Including Men.
Who seek to Perfect their Manhood through Struggle.
The Naked Fight of One Man Against Another.
The Naked Fight of One Phallus Against Another.
Remember that the Greek for 'good' [agathos] does not merely have the narrow ethical sense we give it, but is the adjective corresponding to the noun areté, and so means 'excellent' in any way. From that point of view ethics is only a special case of the effort made by all things to achieve perfection.
[emphasis mine]
"From that point of view" -- which is the Greek point of view, the Greek Warrior point of view -- "ethics is only a special case of the effort made by all things to achieve perfection."
All things seek to achieve Perfection.
Man seeks to achieve Perfection through Struggle.
And so does Phallus.
Just as Man cannot achieve his True Excellence, his Perfection, without the realization, the Adventus, of his Fighting Manhood --
So Phallus cannot achieve its True Excellence, its Perfection, without the realization of its Fighting Manhood.
All Excellence, then, is, you'll remember, latent, inherent, intrinsic -- for it to be achieved, it has to be brought out, it has to be realized, it has to be enacted.
A phallus which experiences only anal penetration is corrupt and almost invariably hopelessly damaged.
While a phallus which experiences only vaginal penetration -- is, in effect, only half a phallus.
Pindar : those who know only male-female pass their lives "in service to an utterly cold path."
Just as a Man cannot be fully a Man -- and we all see this each and every day in our increasingly ruined -- seduced and ruined and unlikely to survive society -- just as a Man cannot be a Man without Fight --
Without achieving his Fighting Manhood --
So a Phallus cannot be fully a Phallus without Fight --
Without achieving its Fighting Manhood.
Sexual Manhood alone is corrupting and indeed ruinous to both Man and Phallus.
The Man cannot achieve his Manly Excellence without Fighting Manhood and the expression of that Fighting Manhood in ManFight ; and,
The Phallus cannot achieve its Phallic Excellence without Fighting Manhood and the expression of that Fighting Manhood in ManFight -- which for the Phallus is PhalloMachia -- Phallic Fight.
So I repeat what I said :
From childhood on, it's always been clear to me that if it's Good, Supremely Good, for Two Men to Fight --
It must be equally Good, Supremely Good, for Two Phalluses to Fight.
That each form of Fight encompasses and epitomizes the other.
Man Against Man.
Phallus Against Phallus.
And that a Man and his Phallus are dependent upon each other in that respect for the full Realization of their Fighting Manhood --
And that that Man and his Phallus are dependent upon another Man and his Phallus for the full Realization of their Fighting Manhood.
The Achievement of Full Fighting Manhood by one Man and his Phallus -- requires the participation of another Man -- and his Phallus.
That's why Jaeger speaks of MEN Struggling to Perfect Their Manhood.
Manhood can neither be realized nor perfected in isolation.
Manhood requires the presence of other Men -- a community of Men, a Manly commune -- for its realization, its achievement, and its perfection --
In ManFight.
Bill Weintraub
14 November 2017
5 May 2022 is a website created and authored by Bill Weintraub.
© All material Copyright 2022 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
Priapus was the Guardian God of vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, and vineyards -- as you can see from the pointing of his Phallus.
Priapus, in the guise of a wooden Phallus, carved and placed there by the farmer, protected his gardens from thieves, for if you stole from Priapus, he would render you impotent.
So -- the wooden Phallus was a sort of No Trespassing sign -- except that it was worshipped as a God.
There are a number of Roman poems about Priapus in the Priapea of the Appendix Vergiliana.
Here are two, presented in English prose :
I here, O wayfarer, I, made from dry poplar wood with rustic skill, 'tis I that guard this little field you see in front and to the left, with the poor owner's cottage and small garden, I that shield them from the thief's wicked hand.
On me in spring is placed a garland gay ; on me in the scorching sun the ruddy corn ; on me the luscious grapes with tendrils green ; on me the olive hardened by the freezing cold. From my pastures the dainty she-goat bears to town her udders swollen with milk ; from my folds comes the fatted lamb to send home again the money-laden hand ; and a young calf, amid its mother's lowing, pours forth its blood before the Temples of the Gods.
Therefore, O wayfarer, you must revere this God and keep your hands to yourself ; this is for your own good ; for see! a menacing prick stands ready for you. "By Pollux, I'd like --" you say, but see! by Pollux, here comes the farmer, whose stout arm has snatched up that prick and finds it a cudgel, well fitted to his grasp.
This place and cottage in the marsh, my young friends, thatched with osier shoots and handfuls of sedge, I support, I a dried oak chipped into shape by a farmer's axe ; year by year, richer and richer it grows. For the owners of this poor hut, a father and his teenage son, honour me and greet me as a God ; the one with constant attention ensures that weeds and rough brambles are removed from my shrine, the other frequently brings me humble gifts with lavish hand.
On me in flowery spring is placed a garland gay ; on me the soft ear of corn, when first it is green on the tender stalk, as well as yellow violets and milky poppy, pale melons and sweet-smelling apples, and blushing grape clusters, reared beneath the vine leaves' shade. This weaponry of mine -- but be quiet about this! -- a little bearded goat and his horn-footed sister besmear with their blood. For these offerings Priapus is obliged to render full service by guarding the owner's orchard and vineyard.
So, boys, begone and steal nothing here. Nearby lives a wealthy neighbour, who shows no respect for his Priapus. Take from him ; this very path will lead you to his place.
~Translated by Fairclough and Goold.
© All material herein Copyright 1997 - 2022 by Bill Weintraub. Within Ares Is Lord, the Alliance, and Warrior Theourgia, Andro Machia / ManFight can and does take two forms :
Which are defined and discussed immediately below :
The word "sport," as classicist Erich Segal points out, denotes levity.
But Fight Agonia isn't "fun" or "funny."
Fight Agonia is one Man's strenuous and indeed agonizing physical struggle to overcome another --
and encompasses Boxing, Wrestling, and Pankration aka Mixed Martial Arts.
Again, Fight Agonia is one form of Andro Machia -- ManFight.
The other form of Andro Machia is Phallo Machia -- see below :
So :
Just as one Man seeks to overcome and conquer another in the agones of Fight Agonia ;
So does one Phallus seek to overcome and conquer another in the agones of Phallo Machia.
In both cases, Man and Phallus strenuously struggle against Man and Phallus to bring their Manhood to Perfection.
ManFight is always of, for, and about Manhood -- Fighting Manhood.
ManFight -- even in the form of Phallo Machia -- is never about sexual manhood ;
It's always about Fighting Manhood.
Within the Holy Communion of Ares Is Lord, all Men under the age of forty-five are expected to train in Fight Agonia at least three days a week ; and all Men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight are required to engage in a public, nude, full contact Fight Agonia event sanctioned by the Communion -- at least once a year.
Phallo Machia, by contrast, and although overseen by the Communion, is conducted privately, between agonist and ant-agonist, erastes and ant-erastes.
See Chapter VII, Part VII of Biblion Pempton for Poliakoff's description and the example of Ariston, who won the crown in Boys' Pankration at the Olympics in 49 AD despite Fighting seven other boys without a break. is a website created and authored by Bill Weintraub.
© All material Copyright 2023 by Bill Weintraub. All rights reserved.
NW :
What is today called Greco-Roman wrestling is as close as we get to actually being Greek/Roman Wrestling.
The people who created/invented this modern competition DEFINITELY had some knowledge of what the Greeks and Romans did when they wrestled (minus the complete nudity that the Greeks and Romans practiced without exception at every wrestling event throughout all of the Greek and Roman world and during the entire 2000 year History of that classical period). THEY DIDN’T WEAR ANYTHING WHEN THEY WRESTLED/ TRIED TO REPEATEDLY THROW EACH OTHER.
And they ONLY wrestled to try to throw each other. Nothing else. Wrestling was a hands-on skill used on the battlefield. And it became an athletic game that boys grew up doing. They were going to need that throwing skill as adult fighter-fit men, when they went into battle.
balls vs balls
man vs man
It's for Facing what's Painful
that Men are called Manly
Bronze Statue of the Emperor Hadrian
Wearing a Breastplate Decorated with
Scenes of Nude Gladiators Fighting
Roman Sarcophagus
Romans Fight Nude Galatians
The Victorious Boxer, on the right, is wearing a caestus or gauntlet, and his Fist is relaxed because he's defeated
his opponent ; but the Pankratiasts, on the left, lack gauntlets, and, like modern MMA Fighters, are using their Fists.
Roman Boxer
Imperial Roman Pankratiast
Roman Boxer
Roman Boxer
Victorious Boxer with Caestus and Herm
It's for Facing what's Painful
that Men are called Manly
[Areta is] goodness, excellence, of any kind, esp. of manly qualities, manhood, valour, prowess (like Lat. virtus, from vir)
Ground and Pound
The Roman God
our cocks -- our hard cocks -- would Fight each other
All rights reserved.
A Victorious Gladiator
presents an offering of weapons
to the God Hercules
Gladiatorial Calm
after the Storm of Combat
It's for Facing what's Painful
that Men are called Manly
It's for Facing what's Painful that Men are called Manly
It's for Facing what's Painful that Men are called Manly
It's for Facing what's Painful
that Men are called Manly
The significance of "drawing a bye" in Fight Agonia is that when there's an unequal number of combatants, one Fighter may get to rest for a round while another Fighter might have to Fight every round.
Fighting is an immersion into the complete sensation of Manliness
It's for Facing what's Painful
that Men are called Manly